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Sheep for Sale

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Scottish Blackface

The Scottish Blackface is the most common breed in the United Kingdom but a minor breed in North America where it was introduced in 1861.  It is raised for meat.
The Scottish Blackface have a black face, sometimes with white markings, and black legs. 

Their wool is a specialty coarse white wool and used in numerous industries.  Currently in the US, the fleece is in demand for fibre artists and hand spinners for use in tapestry, rug making and saddle blankets.

The Scottish Blackface is a large breed.   Mature females (2 years old +) weigh about 140 pounds while the rams are  180  pounds. Both are horned.

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Valais Blacknose

The Valais Blacknose (VBS) is a domestic sheep originating in the Valais region of Switzerland. It is raised both for meat and for wool. They are a rare breed with only 17,000 in the world.

Dubbed The World’s Cutest Sheep, due to their friendly nature and unique fluffy appearance they make ideal pets. They are easily tamed and lead trained without much effort.

We are currently in a Breed Up program utilizing semen from Solwaybank Extra Special line, and have established F2 Cross lambs as a result of our genetic upgrading plan.

Both lambs and semen are available


The Rambouillet is a fine wool breed of sheep also known as the Rambouillet Merino or the French Merino. It’s been developed since 1786 and instroduced to the states in 1889.

An estimated 50% of the sheep on the US western ranges are of Rambouillet blood.

It is described as a dual-purpose breed, with superior wool and near-mutton breed characteristics.