To produce and promote high quality agricultural products, to serve our community and this great country and to give GOD the Glory.
Rob comes from a long line of ranching families in southwest Colorado. He grew up on horseback tending sheep and cattle on the family ranch. In 1984, Rob left the ranch to get his PhD in Agricultural Economics. After a long career, Rob retired in 2017 to return to his favorite past-times, riding horses and raising sheep and cattle.
Anne was born on a fruit and vegetable farm along the Columbia River in Oregon. Her favorite memories include tractors, harvesting and enjoying the fresh fruit, vegetables and homemade foods from the farm kitchen. Anne arrived in Colorado in 1987 to get her Masters Degree in Plant Pathology from Colorado State University. Anne is a certified member of Colorado Cottage Food Industry, having successfully completed training and testing from Colorado State University’s “Colorado Cottage Food Safety Training Course.” In addition, she has also successfully completed University of Idaho Extension’s “Preserve @ Home Food Preservation Course.”
See our Farm Products Page for Anne’s Work
Rob and Anne met at CSU in the fall of 1988 and were married on September 1, 1990. Anne retired from plant pathology after 17 years to homeschool their two kids, Roy and Maddie. Maddie has chosen a career in agriculture and has a Bachelors Degree in Animal Science. She plans to pursue a Masters Degree in Ruminant Nutrition. Maddie is also the proud owner of a growing purebred registered Rambouillet flock. Roy is studying Geology at CSU but his purebred Scottish Blackface flock keeps him coming home to lend a hand on the farm.
Where We Are
Platteville, CO
Farm Visits by Appointment